CERF 2017 Conference Schedule

Day 1     |     Monday, November 6
8:00AM     |     10:00AM     |     1:00PM

7:00 AM  Registration 
8:00 AM
Data-Centric Strategies for Estuarine and Coastal Management
8:00 - 9:30AM
Ballroom E | Oral Session
Estuarine Restoration in the Northeast US
8:00 - 9:30AM
Rotunda | Poster Session
Evaluating the Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems Facing Water Quality Challenges

8:00 - 11:30AM
555 | Oral Session

Assessing Green and Green-Gray Systems for Coastal Risk Reduction
8:00 - 11:30AM
552AB | Oral Session
Coastal Carbon Cycling: Key Biogeochemical Processes and Broad-scale Impacts
8:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom B | Oral Session
Coupled Models of Coastal Acidification and Hypoxia: Applications to Management
8:00 - 11:30AM
553AB | Oral Session
Impacts of Urbanization on Estuarine Ecosystems & Water Quality
8:00 - 11:30AM
557 | Oral Session
Inflection Point in Coastal Science: Research access for underrepresented students
8:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom C | Oral Session
Mud, macrofauna and Microbes: An ode to multiscalar benthic interactions
8:00 - 11:30AM
556 | Oral Session
Sea level rise and transgression of coastal ecosystems
8:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom D | Oral Session
Adaptive Management and Integration of Data and Modelling into Decision-Making
8:00 - 2:30PM
554AB | Oral Session
Ecosystem services provided by shellfish resources
8:00 - 2:30PM
551AB | Oral Session
10:00 AM
CMECS: A "Common Language" for Application to Coastal Habitat Mapping
10:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom E | Oral Session
Lessons learned in estuarine management and restoration
10:00 - 2:30PM
Rotunda | Oral Session
Ecosystem services provided by shellfish resources
8:00 - 2:30PM
551AB | Oral Session
Assessing Green and Green-Gray Systems for Coastal Risk Reduction
8:00 - 11:30AM
552AB | Oral Session
Coupled Models of Coastal Acidification and Hypoxia: Applications to Management
8:00 - 11:30AM
553AB | Oral Session
Inflection Point in Coastal Science: Research access for underrepresented students
8:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom C | Oral Session
Sea level rise and transgression of coastal ecosystems
8:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom D | Oral Session
Adaptive Management and Integration of Data and Modelling into Decision-Making
8:00 - 2:30PM
554AB | Oral Session
Evaluating the Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems Facing Water Quality Challenges

8:00 - 11:30AM
555 | Oral Session

Mud, macrofauna and Microbes: An ode to multiscalar benthic interactions
8:00 - 11:30AM
556 | Oral Session
Impacts of Urbanization on Estuarine Ecosystems & Water Quality
8:00 - 11:30AM
557 | Oral Session
Coastal Carbon Cycling: Key Biogeochemical Processes and Broad-scale Impacts
8:00 - 11:30AM
Ballroom B | Oral Session
1:00 PM
After Deepwater Horizon Spill: Hydrologic Restoration of Gulf Estuarine Habitats
1:00 - 2:30PM
556 | Oral Session
From the ground up: stakeholder-driven processes for estuary management
1:00 - 2:30PM
552AB | Oral Session
Building tidal marshes in the Anthropocene: maximizing resilience
1:00 - 2:30PM
Ballroom D | Oral Session
Casting the Net Widely: Broader Impacts Practitioners Share Lessons Learned
1:00 - 2:30PM
Ballroom C | Oral Session
Efficacies of Urban and Agricultural BMPs for Reducing Pollutant Loads
1:00 - 2:30PM
557 | Oral Session
From objectives to actions: technical support for ecosystem management planning
1:00 - 2:30PM
Ballroom B | Oral Session
Influence of the Conowingo Pond on Chesapeake Bay Water Quality
1:00 - 2:30PM
Ballroom E | Oral Session
Lessons Learned from Modeling Louisiana’s 2017 Coastal Master Plan
1:00 -2:30PM
555 | Oral Session
Managing acidification in estuaries: What drives aragonite saturation state variability
1:00 -2:30PM
553AB | Oral Session
Lessons learned in estuarine management and restoration
10:00 - 2:30PM
Rotunda | Oral Session
Ecosystem services provided by shellfish resources
8:00 - 2:30PM
551AB | Oral Session
Adaptive Management and Integration of Data and Modelling into Decision-Making
8:00 - 2:30PM
554AB | Oral Session